It's been all about Christmas the last few days here in the Heil household. Sunday, Monday and Tuesday were spent getting our tree, putting it up, decorating it, putting the lights up outside and going to Connor's preschool Christmas program. It was a busy few days but so much fun!

We had a great time picking out our tree. Connor said, "How about this one? I think it's perfect!" about pretty much every tree we walked by. Some of them were so bad too...I think he was just excited to be looking for one. Em's gloves kept falling off so she was walking around saying, "Fix it" the whole time. And Camryn just went along for the ride.
This is Connor pretending to put an ornament on the tree. He told us that he couldn't actually put the ornaments on the tree because the needles tickled his fingers. He had a lot of fun unwrapping them though and getting them ready for us to hang. Emily prefers taking the lights and ornaments off of the tree.

Monday night was Connor's preschool Christmas program, which he was so excited about. It's all he talked about last week as they practiced everyday. We took Em and left Camryn at home with Mom Mom Heil. The show consisted of a narration of the story of the birth of Jesus while the kids acted out the parts. Connor was a soldier and although his on-stage time was about 10 seconds, he was so thrilled about his part and about wearing a costume. When he walked out on stage I could see him scanning the crowd and when he spotted us, he got the biggest smile. After the show, they sang some holiday songs. If I can figure out how to get a video on here, I will upload one of them. Connor sang his heart out and had a lot of fun.